Having a good skin care routine is a basic beauty rule, but
there is nothing basic about finding the right products to suit you. It can be overwhelmingly
confusing and very costly. Like many, I have sat for hours reading reviews
about skin care and spent hundreds of pounds on products that haven’t worked or
reacted badly with my skin.
I am nearing my late twenties now (I’m holding onto my
mid-twenties status as long as I can!) and I’m starting to notice changes to my
complexion and level of sensitivity. I have also noticed an occasional heat and
redness to my skin, which is probably due to an underlying issue, but can be
easily irritated by the types of products that I am using. I sometimes struggle
to find the perfect skin care partner. If only there were a ‘match.com’ for
skin care! I’m a makeup artist, not a skin specialist, but I know that natural
organic oils and ingredients are much more beneficial compared to a combination
of synthetic oils and nasty chemicals that can cause irritation and more
damage. Origins has been on my radar for a while, mostly because their products
are completely natural and made up of essential oils, but also because family,
friends and clients all rave about them.

The Products:
For the full list of products and ingredients please visit www.origins.com
Cleanser – Check and Balances
This is a creamy face wash that leaves skin feeling super
clean and fresh. Ingredients include lavender, chamomile and spearmint. This
face wash smells beautiful and leaves a really nice finish to my skin. It never
feels dry or tight and a little goes a long way. It’s not a bad makeup remover,
but I wouldn’t recommend it for removing eye makeup as it really stings!
Treatment Tonic (Toner) – A Perfect World Moisturizing Lotion
Age-defense treatment lotion with White Tea. Oil free and
alcohol free. I love that this toner or ‘treatment Tonic’ is alcohol and oil
free! Some products that I have used in the past contain so much alcohol that I
fear walking near an open flame after application! Toners are great for
restoring the PH balance back to your skin after cleansing, but sometime I find
them really drying. I was nervous to use this product, as I have not had the
best experience with previous toners, but I am really pleased with how
refreshed I feel after using it. My skin feels plump without any extreme
tightness and smells like a luxury spa treatment.
Serum – Dr. Andrew Weil for Origins Face Serum ‘Mega-Mushroom Skin Relief’
This is my A* product! As I said before, my skin can
sometimes get quite red, heated and easily irritated, but not anymore! This
product has been a savior. Applied before moisturizer, it is so soothing and
genuinely calms my skin. Unfortunately, this was not the cheapest item on my
shopping list… I was nervous to spend so much money on a product that I wasn’t
even sure would work, so Kylie kindly gave me a small sample to try out. I am
so impressed with it that I don’t think I could be without it now! It is an expensive
item, but my skin is definitely worth the investment.
Moisturiser – Starting Over Oil Free Moisturiser
This is an ‘age-erasing’ moisturizer… I would like to be
clear that I don’t actually have wrinkles or lines, but I am noticing changes
in my skin and it’s better to prevent than try to reduce. It’s a really nice,
light moisturizer that absorbs into the
skin quickly, without leaving an oily residue behind. It’s also sits really
nice underneath foundation and doesn’t cause any slippage. A change in
moisturizer usually causes a break out for me, but I have had none what so ever
with this one, so happy days!
About Origins:
‘We manufacture
using a combination of renewable resources, wind energy and earth-friendly
practices.’ Truly sustainable beauty! :)
Obviously, some of these products might not be the best for
you, so make sure you have a good chat with one of their consultants and don’t
be afraid to ask for samples!